Nelson: A permanent reminder of selfless sacrifice
Note: This column was originally published in the Dodge County Independent.
Memorial Day weekend held special meaning for the community of Byron this year with the long-awaited dedication of the Byron Veterans Memorial. As the rain fell on Monday morning, crowds still gathered to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have fought and fallen in service to our nation.
The new memorial is an incredible addition to Byron’s city landscape, featuring plaques and pavers honoring Byron area veterans both living and deceased. But it represents so much more than pieces of stone and metal. It stands as a permanent reminder of the selfless sacrifice made by those who answer the call to defend our freedom and liberty.
As I looked out at the dedicated community members, local officials, high school band members, and veterans in attendance, I felt an immense sense of patriotism and pride. The very existence of this memorial is a testament to the values upon which America was founded — life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.
Those simple words have resonated for centuries — and have been worth fighting for time and again. My own ancestors understood that struggle profoundly during the Revolutionary War. While one branch of my family tree remained loyal to the British crown, five sons broke from their Tory father’s beliefs to join the patriot cause. It is an amazing thought. They were willing to take up arms against their own flesh and blood because they believed so fervently in the cause of freedom.
That same conviction has motivated generation after generation of Americans to leave behind loved ones, homes, and security to protect our way of life. From the Founding Fathers to the Greatest Generation to the troops serving around the world today, we have repeatedly witnessed ordinary men and women display extraordinary courage.
They don’t seek adulation or fanfare. They fight to uphold the principles that make the United States a beacon of hope. Their sacrifice allows us to live freely, to speak openly, to pursue our dreams without fear.
Memorial Day is the time to pay tribute to our fallen heroes, but to every servicemember, past and present, I say thank you. Thank you for your bravery in the face of danger. Thank you for your commitment to something greater than yourself. Thank you for defending the freedoms we too often take for granted.
The Byron Veterans Memorial will forever memorialize your spirit. May it inspire all who visit to appreciate the cost of the liberties we enjoy. And may it strengthen our resolve to honor your legacy by protecting everything you fought to uphold.