Nelson: Governor Walz must immediately send National Guard troops to save group homes on brink of closure
Additionally, all four caucus leaders must declare an emergency and agree to pass rescue funding package
Minnesota State Senator Carla Nelson (R-Rochester) today called on Gov. Walz to immediately send in National Guard troops to save ten Olmsted and Winona County group homes that are set to close on March 5, leaving the fate of dozens of vulnerable Minnesotans up in the air.
Sen. Nelson issued the following statement:
“This is a matter of life and death. These folks are almost out of time. The only option we have to save them is using National Guard troops. Gov. Walz already did this for nursing home residents; now he has a duty to help these group homes as well. Their fates are in his hands.
“The National Guard is just an emergency stop gap. The Senate has a long-term care rescue package aimed specifically at helping facilities in these situations. It’s ready to go; we could pass that bill tomorrow. I call on all four caucus leaders to agree to stop playing politics with this issue, declare an emergency, and get this done right away so the governor can sign it and get this urgent funding out the door. This is a crisis. No more feet-dragging.”